RSBANDBUpdate! 937 – Consensual Necromancy

posted by on 2nd June 2023, at 4:23pm | Discuss Article

The Necromancy reveal is here and we dissect everything. We cover what a new combat style means, how skilling factors in, and what it needs to do to be successful. There’s also lore, music, and the big question of why? The Necromancy journey begins now.

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Join us in-game at Friends’ Chat: BitsBytes, Follow us on Twitter @rsbandb, Join our Discord:

A Special Thanks to Our Patreon Supporters

  • Alaska
  • Alfie S
  • AmosReed
  • Anatolii D
  • Andrew C
  • Arvīds L
  • Big Huge Rat
  • Briflex
  • Chunkthemunk
  • CykhalRS
  • DramaFreee
  • Durhamax
  • Free Milk
  • G_ Hammi
  • Gylefleur
  • Jacob G
  • Jade Gizmo
  • Jason S
  • Jebus
  • Jesse W
  • Jim M
  • Kesky
  • Kilersnowbal
  • Malinoric
  • Mohan V
  • N8 the grr8
  • Nick g
  • Pyrnassius RS
  • Ricky A
  • Rippeth
  • RS Nerd Herd
  • Samuel F L
  • Scott D S
  • ShirtPants
  • Stobbeve
  • The Naked Captain
  • TheDabbnGoat
  • Tim
  • Tom V
  • Zant

Hosts: Shane, Tanis, Persia Dragon, and Pyrnassius
Duration: 2:02:33

RSBANDBUpdate! 936 – I Want To Believe

posted by on 26th May 2023, at 4:11pm | Discuss Article

We unveil details of the Golden Cape Hunt and the reasons behind what likely delayed the max cash update. Also, with the Necromancy reveal imminent we delve into the importance of hype and expectations within the RuneScape community.

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Direct Download – 64 Kbit MP3 (Full Show Notes)

Join us in-game at Friends’ Chat: BitsBytes, Follow us on Twitter @rsbandb, Join our Discord:

A Special Thanks to Our Patreon Supporters

  • Alfie S
  • AmosReed
  • Andrew C
  • Arvīds L
  • Beekeeper Steve
  • Big Huge Rat
  • Chunkthemunk
  • CykhalRS
  • DramaFreee
  • Durhamax
  • Free Milk
  • Jacob G
  • Jade Gizmo
  • Jason S
  • Jebus
  • Jesse W
  • Kesky
  • Ling_01
  • Mohan V
  • N8 the grr8
  • Nick g
  • Pyrnassius RS
  • Ricky A
  • RS Nerd Herd
  • Samuel F L
  • Scott D S
  • ShirtPants
  • Stobbeve
  • The Naked Captain
  • TheDabbnGoat
  • Tim
  • Tom V
  • Zant
  • Zazacon

Hosts: Shane, Tanis, and Xurdones
Duration: 2:06:22