RSBANDBUpdate! 357 – A Soldiered Knight

posted by on 21st April 2012, at 4:23pm | Discuss Article

No game updates this week but we have plenty of community news to discuss. Including the latest ramblings of the Chaos Elemental and what may happen next weekend…

Note: Video will be present next week. The framerate was not up to quality standards.

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Hosts: Shane and trekkie
Duration: 1:18:45

Behind the Scenes is back, teases of what may just happen for our birthday and a discussion on the universe relating to String Theory! Also don’t forget to enter our birthday contest 😉

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Forum Discussion

Hosts: Shane, Chief Snake
Duration: 1:23:08

RSBANDBUpdate! 252 – The Daemonheim Minigame

posted by on 17th April 2010, at 5:01pm | 2 Comments

The much anticipated skill has been released! That can only mean we’re here to discuss and pick apart the new skill… Listener questions as always with three audio questions.

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Forum Discussion

Hosts: Shane, Chief Snake, Paul, and Trekkie
Duration: 1:43:36

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