RSBANDBUpdate! 810 – The 2020 Clip Show

posted by on 31st December 2020, at 3:23pm

2020 is nearly over and it has been one amazing rollercoaster of a year. We started slow and then Archaeology delivered us a full year of content then Mod Warden joined us for an episode and we had a little fun along the way.

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A Special Thanks to Our Patreon Supporters

  • Álvaro L
  • Andrew C
  • Brock H
  • Cameron
  • Christian S
  • Cookmeplox
  • Diana
  • Durhamax
  • Jade Gizmo
  • Jade W
  • Jason S
  • Joe M
  • John P
  • Kesky
  • Kyle
  • LuckyDucky
  • Naura
  • Rastafa
  • Ricky A
  • Samantha R
  • Soupfinder
  • Stobbeve
  • The Naked Captain
  • TheLion
  • Tom V
  • Zant

Hosts: Shane, Tanis, and Friends
Duration: 1:55:03

Note: As this episode is our annual clip show it is unedited and contains outtakes from previous episodes. Some of these outtakes warrant an explicit tag on this episode. Listener discretion is advised.

We thought 2019 was the best year our podcast had seen but 2020 blew it away. Of course, 2020 wasn’t the best year in the real world but we hope that our podcast has provided you enjoyment throughout this turbulent year. We had a number of firsts this year and we also tried some brand new things.

This year was the year of Archaeology which provided 9 months worth of content for us to produce. Producing our Archaeology episodes, especially the Lore Diggers’ lore summaries, were my favourite episodes to produce — ever. We also got to witness a rebirth of monthly RuneScape content updates and we capped it all off by having a chat with the man behidn the push, Mod Warden himself!

I also would be taking shortcuts if I didn’t thank our wonderful producers and hosts. Many people see a podcast and think it’s just the talking heads who make it work, that couldn’t be further from the truth with Update. Whether it be providing data for a simple question or reinforcing an aspect to talk about, there’s a whole handful of people who make every episode possible.

But of course, most importantly there’s you, our listeners and Patreon supporters. You have stuck through this year with us and made it all the worthwhile. But the biggest thank you, goes out to our Patreon supporters who have pushed us to new boundaries and fostered so many discussions this year. Thank You!

Onwards to 2021!

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