RSBANDBUpdate! 83 – Tiny Changes
posted by Shane on 20th January 2007, at 8:47pm
Tiny changes don’t always go unnoticed. Many small changes this week some good, some bad, and some annoying. This is probably Trekkie’s last episode for a while as he starts school next week!
Also just a slight note, there’s some ‘static’ this week from Brad’s mic. I edited out the really painful pieces of static. Brad’s new mic should arrive next week.
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Forum Discussion
Hosts: Shane, Brad, Trekkie
Duration: 56:07
- We like the interface changes
- High alchemy slowed down
- New wallpapers for download
- Poll: Who on RuneScape? seems nice, but is secretly evil? The monks of Entrana winnning with 31% vote followed by ‘Your cat’ at 19%
- Many listener questions ranging from what extra-curricular activities we do to how often we bathe
- Firefox 3 due 3rd quarter this year with improved interaction with add-ons, expanded support for bookmarks and history, and ways for web services to handle files
- Tough new copyright bill introduced by Canadian politicians which might not include provisions for any “fair use”
- Sealand! The Government of Sealand has initiated negotiation to sell the micronation of Sealand
- Rants!
- How psychology relates to goals
- Congratulations to the new RSBANDBInformer! staff: Anubis, MasterOfTheVortex, Bib User, and Bluebrisingr
- Please keep any flaming and negativity out of the fakes section
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