RuneScape Discussion

Listener Questions and Discussions

Question from Tyco

Dear RSbandb

February is here tomorrow and with that starts the most dangerous month here in the Nordic Lands. No, it's not wild mooses, bears or surströmming that's threatening our everyday lives but the influenza. As the snow slowly melts away in the southern parts, everyone knows that a cold bed with a hot fever awaits us all. And to make it even worse, it's not an enemy you can go against with a battleaxe and a shield. My questions today are (1) do you all consider yourselves to have a healthy and strong body, and (2) what are your strategies against the microscopic armies that raid and plunder your internal cells until everything is burned to the ground?

I'm writing this as I see a red sun rise in the horizon, knowing I will not be spared this year. May the midichlorians be with you Shane.

Tyco elf of the Nordic Lands

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