Runescape Discussion

Listener Questions

Audio Question from Morumska

Question from Gardengal4

I wrote to you several months ago about trimming my farm cape with multiple 99's. I had 7 close at the time. You guys mentioned that the record for RSBandB was 12, (I think by uncle Dano) which helped inspire me. I was going to do 14, but sadly on Christmas Day I accidentally got 99 hunter by catching a chronicles while training Divination. Thankfully I had taken your advice and gotten a keepsake for my untrimmed Farm. I would really be devastated if I didn't have that. I bought the multiple keepsakes and not sure what else to use them for. My question is what do you have keepsaked? or what would you if you had some keepsakes to use?

I am going to get my thirteen 99's on February 1st at 5:00 pm (pacific standard time) world 91 in the Varrock museum (with strange rocks) if anyone cares to watch. I'll put it on youtube later.

Thanks so much for the advice and for all the work you do to bring us a great podcast and website.


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