RuneScape Discussion

Listener Questions and Discussions

Question from Tyco

Dear RSbandb

You have now passed 670 episodes of RSbandb Update. That's a very long time considering the show is released once a week. My questions today are for all you listeners who hasn't been listening to Shane's voice for years and want to know the history behind this show.

First, how did it all began? How did the first episode of RSbandb go?

Secondly, do you feel you had any personal development during the many years running the show?

On third place, you have on several occasions mentioned "This is a direction I do not want this podcast to head towards" regarding the feedback of certain updates. Can you explain a little more about what guidelines or goals this podcast has?

And lastly, will we ever hear the answers of all those topics and questions that ends with "That's a topic for another day"? I have lost count of the many times we gotten these cliffhangers that never gets finished. I guess this is your type of "Unfinished Business"?

Tyco elf

If you want to send in a question, email, call or text 571-57-BANDB (571-572-2632), or leave us a DM on Twitter (@rsbandb).

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