RuneScape Discussion

Listener Questions

Question from Thieves

Hey guys,

With many Trimmed completionists calling for an amnesty with the new Soul Reaper requirement and The unknown amnesty period due for Completionists when 120 Slayer hits, I thought it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on Completionist amnesty in general.

1. First off, should Trimmed completionists get their amnesty for what is essentially a 200+ day requirement?

2. Should there be any amnesty for 120 Slayer, when it comes (bearing in mind there'll have been almost a years notice)?

3. Being a Completionists myself, I'd personally like an amnesty of around 7 days to complete any new requirement -- Would you agree?


- Completionists Presets won't constantly be effected.

- It gives Completionists ample time to complete and enjoy the new content before the next update, without having to rush through it.

- Harder Completionist requirements can be implemented, instead of the extremely tame requirements put in now which pander to the 'Complaintionists'.


- I honestly can't think of any, perhaps you guys might find something!

Thanks fellas!

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