RSBANDB Update! Episode 399

  1. Free Bank Booster for Members
  2. Sinkholes 
  3. EoC Improvements 
  4. Tweaks and Fixes 
  5. BTS Video 39: Slayer Tower 
  6. Community Round-Up February 6th
  7. Players’ Gallery Contest: Edible Creations
  8. Solomon’s Store: Dragon Wolf   
  9. SoF Ramokee Outfit and D&D Tokens 
  10. Gamer Safety Week: Account Security

Listener Questions


Shane and brad’s audio question

        Top holiday destinations in the world. Favorite place in the world?

Question from Duke Juker

Dear Hosts,

Did you watch the Superbowl? Were you pleased with who won? Did you enjoy the commercials this year? Any favorites?

Duke Juker

Question from Scream Truth


My question is what are two skills you want to see introduced into the game, How would they work and what impact would they have on other skills or the rs economy?

Question from 99 Aegis

Share your dreams.

What are some crazy, funny, or runescape related dreams you have had.

I'm considering using Freudian dream analysis on you, so try to avoid dreams about snakes and guns.

Question from Morumska

will we have another chinese greetings to the show trekkie?(not question)

hi host's of rsbandb update

morumska here! a few questions this week =)

first with the price of the torstol herb dropping should i invest in some for furture overload's? or should i wait till it goes down more?

also i was thinking today how crappy my life was and wondered what if..... you have the power to high alch things in real life and the coin pieces would be pure gold. how would u go about having this ability ?


Tech News

  1. Yahoo's new telephone voice 
  2. Adobe issues emergency update 
  3. Ubuntu Smartphones 

Other Things

  1. February skill of the month 
  2. Achievements of The Week
  1. lolfarm 99 construction Feb 5th, 2013
  1. Pick:
  2. What have we been doing?

Show Data

  1. Episode Title: A Land Down Under
  2. Recorded Date: February 8, 2013
  3. Release Date: February 10, 2013
  4. Hosts: Trekkie, Mike and Uncle Dano
  5. Duration: 1:33:54
  6. Editing Notes: None