Runescape Discussion

  1. Tears of Guthix: Go with the Flow
  2. Tweaks and Fixes (Release Notes)
  3. Solomon’s General Store: Dragon Keepsake Box & Keys
  4. Evolution of Combat Launches November 20th
  5. Evolution of Combat Video Competition
  6. Another EoC Live Stream
  7. Evolution of Combat: Survey Results
  8. BTS Video 26: Solo Dungeoneering
  1. If you can’t do two larges in an hour you’re probably better off soloing meds.


Question from 99 Aegis

Grinding Barrows is my favorite way to make money. This got me interested in the lore that goes along with the 6 brothers (found here:

Discuss "The Fall of the Six" and then talk about your favorite storylines.


Question from PoisonNova

Dear Shane and Trekkie,

Do you think any negative changes to the RuneScape economy will occur due to the release of the Evolution of Combat later this month?


Question from Flash

Dear Shane and Trekkie,

I need help. I can't log onto Runescape. When I start it up, it tells me I need to change my graphic settings or something like that, the "leave alone" option isn't there like it usually is. When I click on "change settings" it stops working. I tried multiple times, on both the website and game client, and it still hasn't worked. If I try to run it on the client it just closes itself, and on the website it freezes. Can either of you please help me in any way? I just want to play.



Question from Jason B

Dear Fabulous hosts,

Do either of you have experience in web design?

If so what have you created?



Question from Pyrnassius

Hi Guys

While making a few potions at the bank the other day, 3 players were talking about herblore after the EOC hits. They were complaining that many potions will not be as effective in the new combat skills. Things like brews, overloads etc won't have as good an affect on your stats as they do currently. As I am primarily a skiller and don't do much boss hunting and I loathe PKing, I have not gone onto the beta to try out the EOC, I was wondering on your thoughts on this matter. Also, I have been told that all Slaying areas will be multi-way combat with the EOC. What are your thoughts on this? I enjoy the slaying task, but I don't feel it will be as fun if you are competing against 3 or 4 other players when trying to level up. I don't have any monsters blocked, as I like to try the different ones, even though there are some that are painful to do. Are there any monsters that you just hate doing and have on your blocked list?

Thanks for your time, and keep up the great work!! Your podcast relieves the monotny of training sometimes.

Happy Runescaping


Tech News

  1. MasterCard rolls out credit card with display and keypad
  2. Happy 8th Birthday Firefox!
  3. Super-Earth Alien Planet May Be Habitable for Life

Other Things

  1. November SKOTM Update
  2. Achievements of The Week
  1. Riceay 13 - 99 Dungeoneering, November 2, 2012
  2. Touchpad Pro - 99 Construction, November 3, 2012
  3. Bobs Crusade - 99 Defence, November 4, 2012
  1. Informer application winner
  2. Shane’s Pick: Clear (Mac)
  3. What have we been doing?

Show Data

  1. Episode Title: Go With The Flow
  2. Recorded Date: November 9, 2012
  3. Release Date: November 10, 2012
  4. Hosts: Shane and Trekkie
  5. Duration: 1:25:37
  6. Editing Notes: None