Runescape Updates

  1. Social Slayer & Gielinor Games Preparation

  2. Tweaks and Fixes (Release Notes)
  3. Rune Shark Boss Killing
  4. 200 million accounts testimonial comp – results!
  5. Behind the Scenes on Video: The penguins are back!
  6. NPC competition – the results
  7. DevBlog: Changes for a Better Beta
  8. George Sampson talks tanks, combat and emotes.


Hey Guys

Not so much a question this time, as a correction to last weeks show. Muramska and Shane both seemed to have trouble pronouncing my name, so I thought I'd give you the phonetic spelling. PERN-ASSIUS, lol. Hope that helps for next time. Actually, since I am already here, I will ask one Dungeoneering question. Is it worth killing all the monsters on each floor before fighting the boss for the XP, or am I better off just getting through each floor as quick as possible? I am looking at this solely based on Dungeoneering XP and token rates.

Many thanks,

Pyrn (pronounced PERN)


Dear Trekkie and Co.

What slayer master with no requirements would you suggest?

Vaneska? Turael? Is there another?

Your fellow Homo Sapien,


Dear Hosts,

About 2 years ago i had asked about the second continent that you still bring up today under the name kill3rsean, my question this week refers to that question.

How would massive world expansion effect quests, lore, and options for brand new skills?

Also, do you think the continent will be northern, eastern, western or southern? I personally believe it would be eastern because that has the most hints for in the game.

Thank you for your time,

Scream Truth


Dear Trekkie, Paul, and very very special guests,

How does it feel recording the show without Shane?



Tech News

  1. yahoo got hacked
  2. online presence when you die
  3. Android, iOS Called Dominant Smartphones

Other Things

  1. July SKOTM Update
  2. Achievements of The Week
  1. touchpad pro  99 Fletching - July 10,2012
  2. Unbirthday 99 Attack July 9,2012
  3. Aarony 120 dungeoning July 8, 2012
  1. Group Pick: olympic games
  2. RSBandB Olympics Sign Up
  3. What have we been doing?

Show Data

  1. Episode Title: Siesta For Shane
  2. Recorded Date: July 13, 2012
  3. Release Date:  July 14, 2012
  4. Hosts: Trekkie, Paul, and Uncle Dano
  5. Duration: 1:22:35
  6. Editing Notes: None