Runescape Updates (<= 5 minutes)

  1. Christmas 2011: A Towering Feast (it’s out, what did we think about it, quick.)
  2. Reminder of Jagex’s Twelve Days of Christmas
  3. Gallery 30 - Wintumber Special
  4. A Reminder to Stay Secure

The Foci

  1. Does the Internet need to be reformed? (think privacy, SOPA, child pr0n)
  2. Iraq War - Officially over, is Iraq better off?
  3. Making politics work - spirit of cooperation or majority rules?
  4. LGBT - Rights, unions, (I read this as onions) or marriage?
  5. Abortion
  6. Mac vs. Windows vs. Linux

Shane’s Bob Photos


Other Things (if we have time)

  1. December SKOTM Update
  1. Achievements of The Week
  1. Biscuit 99 Firemaking, December 22, 2011
  2. Jmycenae - 99 Construction, December 22, 2011
  1. Someone’s Pick:
  2. What have we been doing?


Show Data

  1. Episode Title: The Foci
  2. Recorded Date: December 23, 2011
  3. Release Date: December 24, 2011
  4. Hosts: Shane, Chief Snake, Paul, and Earth
  5. Duration: 1:22:37
  6. Editing Notes: None