Runescape Updates

  1. A preview of the Members’ Loyalty Programme
  2. Developer Blog: Development of the Mahjarrat
  3. The Golden Gnome Video Awards - a helping hand
  4. Jagex Emails - How To Know It’s Safe
  5. Two non-documented updates: world queueing and instance worlds.


Audio Question from Gnomethorian

Audio Question from Nolen 65

Question from The Ger Man

Hello Shane Kulla and Asa!

This week I would just like to know which one of these three items I should buy and why.

Bandos Godsword

Zamorak Godsword®

Dragonfire Shield


The_Ger_Man (Happy Birthday to me!)

Question from Jbobman7

I am currently going for 99 construction, are sacred clay hammers worth it?

Or should I save up my money.

Currently 1,100 out 4,973 needed sacred clay points.

Also im 81 farming is getting 83 worth for spirit trees.


Question from Reeser111

Hello Shane, Kulla, and Asa.

I have two questions. First is for Shane: Have you done any coding for computer games? I want to get into this as a career, and if you have, what would you recommend? I'm currently learning C++ on Valve's Source Engine, and its probably not the best for learning to code.

Second question: Do you know if you can only get a certain number of strange rocks per day/hour/whatever time period for the Shattered Heart diversion and distraction? I usually get rapid amounts of strange rocks when I start out, but then it decreases as the day goes on. Thanks, and have a great day!


Question from Tappy

To the brave and valliant hosts of RSBANDBUpdate!

I have a few questions for you:

1-what is the strangest thing that has happened to you in real life? (near death experiences etc)

2-who is your role model?

Thanks, keep up the great show, love from Tappy

Question from waffl233

Dear Panel of Manly Macho Men,

#1:Please give your thoughts on this and what side of the issue you take.....

Peace through strength vs. Peace through Weakness?


#2: Also, who was the most annoying kid in your school (Grades 1-12). What made him annoying? Did he ever do anything to you that made you want to hit him?



Tech News

  1. Firefox 5
  2. PCI Express cables by 2013
  3. Use the Apple Store connection to install Lion
  4. Also, 10.6.8 was released, upgrade!

Other Things

  1. June SKOTM Update and July SKOTM: Agility
  2. Asa’s Pick: The Adventures of Dr. McNinja
  3. RuneWire 3
  4. What have we been doing?

Show Data

  1. Episode Title: To Infinity and Beyond
  2. Recorded Date:  June 24, 2011
  3. Release Date: June 25, 2011
  4. Hosts: Shane, King Kulla, and Asa
  5. Duration: 1:39:41
  6. Editing Notes: None.