Runescape Updates

Listener Questions


Audio Question from Rainy

Audio Question from Regnenth

Audio Question from Papero

Audio Question from Kapoof

Question from Lord Paschendale


i have 2 questions

1: what is your favorite weapon

2: how do regular people like us get on the show?


(real RS name)

PS: Do either of you know EXCL or Tehnoobshow?

Question from IceBlackDragon

HELLO Shane 

Two questions just for you. Have you ever farmed in real life? AND Why do you think Apple won't release the white iPhone 4? 

I know Apple is claiming that they can't release it because there's some problem between the button and the screen but considering some people in Canada have gotten white iPhones by accident and the conversion kit sold by that one guy who got the stuff from Foxconn seemed to have worked fine, I question that claim. 

No question for Chief... so you can just enjoy this picture.

Question from Nack

hello and merry christmas sorry if i mispelled that but this week i have two questions the first one is do you prefer to top your christmas tree with a star or a angel i prefer a star but am fine with both the second is when did you stop believing in santa clause if ever and last week i was referring to sergei not pyka...pika...prototype brad


Question from Waffle233

Dear Shane and Brad,

If you look back at school which teacher will you always remember for these reasons..
1. The funny one
2. The one of who inspired you to be who you are
3. The great teacher
4. The bad teacher
5. The mean and nice teachers


Question from Jeki

Dear Shane & Chief Snake

First off I would like to wish you both a Merry Xmas =)

As usual I have a few questions for you guys 

1) Firstly for Shane I was listening to one of the shows and you mentioned that you've known Mike for a long time. My question is how long have you known Mike and do you live in the same city and did you go to any school's together?

2) Do you think RS is more enjoyable to play now, or back in 2006/7 when there wasn't any trade limits, no GE e.t.c. ?

3) How does the ranking system work in the RSBANDB Forums? I've noticed some members have "Runite Member" and some have "Bronze Member" and I was wondering how it worked?

Thanks as always, 

Question from Coldknyt

hey guys, these are my first questions to you so here they are,

1) what simple update would you love to see come out in the near future?

2) how did you introduced to runescape?


Tech News

YouTube Asks Users to Flag Videos that Promote Terrorism

Over 35 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, so it's just not feasible that YouTube review each video before it's posted online. Instead, YouTube points to its community guidelines and lets its users flag those videos with inappropriate content for removal. And now, a new category will let you flag ones that "promote terrorism."

YouTube has come under increasing fire recently from governments that demand the company do more to pre-screen videos that may contain terrorist propaganda, according to a story in the Los Angeles Times today. In November, YouTube removed hundreds of videos featuring the American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki after the British and U.S. governments protested his appearance in more than 700 videos with over 3.5 million page views, claiming that the videos were linked to specific acts of violence. But even after YouTube's official removal of the videos in question, other copies and related material remained.

2010 in Review from Google and YouTube

Zeitgeist with Zeitgeist video. The Zeitgeist video is a clever ad showing the events of the year and the changes in Google's services, primarily, Priority inbox and the transition from standard to Instant search.

Youtube's way of looking back: Rewind.

Mark Zuckerberg named Time's person of the year

Time magazine has chosen Mark Zuckerberg, the 26-year-old founder of Facebook, as its Person of the Year, a title given to an individual who has "for better or for worse...done the most to influence the events of the year."

In a year fraught with political turmoil and sweeping actions involving lightning-rod individuals, Zuckerberg was an unexpected choice. A popular vote among Time readers, for instance, revealed that their pick was Julian Assange, the controversial founder of WikiLeaks. National politicians, international threats, and the leaders of hot-button political movements were also up for consideration.

But it's Zuckerberg who received 2010's recognition, in a testament to the rising power of a new generation of Silicon Valley innovation and how much the ways in which we communicate have been dramatically changed by the Web and digital media.

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